Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Alice, We're not in Wonderland Anymore.

Ok, my parady is a misquote.

This is cool.

Op-Ed Contributor
Algebra in Wonderland
Published: March 7, 2010
The other-worldly events in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” can be interpreted as satire on 19th-century advances in mathematics.

1 comment:

Sarah Specchio said...

Thank you for ruining my favorite fairy tale.

Kidding! I just reread the book and saw the movie so it's pretty fresh in my mind. Although I have no I idea what some of the mathematical terms are, the ones that I do understand make perfect sense in regards to the story. Honestly, if satire is what Lewis Carroll was going for, I think Alice in Wonderland was the best thing he could have created. After having all the symbolism spelled out for me, Alice seems to be both a perfect satire and an amazingly imaginative fairy tale. Who knew?!